CN Mould & Plastic Limited
#Advanced manufacturing

Polyurethane Overmolding

Polyurethane moldings are highly regarded for their impressive performance, which is why they enjoy widespread popularity. They have a longer lifespan than plastic and are more resistant to impact, abrasion, radiation, cold flow, and low temperatures than rubber. Additionally, they possess elastic memory, dampen noise, and exhibit resistance to heat and chemicals. They combine many desirable qualities of metal, rubber, and plastics, and are capable of forming strong adhesive bonds with most plastics and metals.

Compared to most rubber materials, polyurethane is more resistant to petrochemicals. Polyurethane is an effective material for casting, and cast polyurethane performs well with low pressure tooling and thick section molding.

polyurethane overmolding

How Does Polyurethane Overmolding Work?


Mold Formation: The manufacturers prepare for the initial Polyurethane Overmolding process by producing a main template and a mold made of silicone rubber.


Pre-Polymer Formation: Once the mold is made, the raw polyurethane material will be blended together to enable it to react and form a pre-polymer solution.


Polymeric Transition: With the addition of a curing agent in the pre-polymer solution, the polymer transition is completed during the polyurethane overmolding process.


Pouring: Once this mixture is poured into the mold cavity, pressure or heat will accelerate it. Color pigments and other chemicals can be used at this stage for aesthetic purposes.


Curing: Finally, the mixture cools and solidifies, into a final overmolded product.

Applications in Polyurethane Overmolding

Automotive Products

The main application of polyurethane Overmolding in the automotive industry is car seats and seat belts. Moreover, because polyurethane can handle compressive loads well, it can also be used in products such as car tires.

Recreational Products

Surfboards, skateboard wheels, inflatable boats, and high-end tennis racket grips are just a small part of the recreational products produced by polyurethane Overmolding. In addition, polyurethane boards can also be used to make parts of inflatable boats.

Machine Products

Due to its durability, polyurethane is often used as machine components by  Overmolding, such as conveyor wheels and polyurethane liners.

Electronic Products

Because the excellent shell made of polyurethane can protect electronic components from impact, abrasion, mechanical stress, and environmental stress, polyurethane Overmolding is widely used in electronic products.

Advantages of
Polyurethane Overmolding

Cost Effectiveness

By utilizing polyurethane Overmolding, the expenses associated with tooling are cheaper. It can be comparable in price to rubber and polymer molding.


Parts formed using polyurethane Overmolding technology do not have any drafts or undercuts. It can precisely handle various part sizes.


Polyurethane Overmolding boasts a rapid turnaround time, Polyurethane overmolded parts require almost no additional finish machining.

Material Superiority

Polyurethane exhibits robust resistance to radiation, ozone, oxygen, oxidatied oil, tearing, cutting, and abrasion. Moreover, it not only boasts easier colorability than rubber but also surpasses certain types of steel in wear resistance. Compared to metal, polyurethane is more elastic and better at reducing noise.

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FAQs of Polyurethane Overmolding

What Are The Characteristics Of Polyurethane Overmolding?

Polyurethane possesses excellent tensile strength, pliability, resistance to tangling, and breathability.

Can The Color Of The Polyurethane Overmolded Part Be Customized?

Yes, the color of the polyurethane overmolded part can be customized. Pigments can be added to the polyurethane material during the manufacturing process to achieve the desired color.

Is Polyurethane Overmolding Recyclable?

Polyurethane materials typically have limited recyclability due to their complex chemical composition. However, there are recycling methods available for specific types of polyurethane, such as mechanical recycling or chemical recycling processes.

Can Different Durometers (Hardness) Of Polyurethane Be Used In Overmolding?

Yes, different durometers of polyurethane can be used in the overmolding process. This allows for the creation of multi-durometer components with varying levels of hardness or softness in different areas of the final product.

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