CN Mould & Plastic Limited
#Advanced manufacturing

Metal 3D Printing

Metal laser 3D printing technology, as the most cutting-edge and most potential technology in the entire 3D printing system, is an important development direction of advanced manufacturing technology, among which the selective laser melting (SLM) forming technology based on automatic powder laying has a wide range of application needs in aerospace, industrial mold, automobile manufacturing, biomedical and other fields with its unique advantages.

SLM Technology Principle

SLM forming technology is a kind of processing technology which uses metal powder to melt completely under the heat action of laser beam and solidify after cooling. When processing, the powder is first paved under the action of the scraper, then the laser beam is selectively melted according to the stratified cross-section information under the control of the computer; next layer is melted after one layer is melted; after processing, the excess powder is removed, then the parts are formed; the parts can be directly used after only a simple post-treatment or surface treatment.

SLM Technology Principle

SLM Technology Advantage

1. High Precision, Less Processing

General dimensional tolerances of formed parts are L<100mm, tolerance±0.1mm; L≥100mm, tolerance±(L*0.1%)mm

2. Short Cycle

The cost is 1/3 to 1/5 of the traditional manufacturing cost, and the cycle is shortened to 1/5 to 1/10.

3. Diversity

SLM technology is not limited by the complexity of the part.

4. High Material Utilization Rate

The material utilization rate is nearly 100%.

5. Integration

Integrated manufacturing of complex parts can be realized.

6. Light Weight

Light weight is achieved at the use level through structural design and light weight materials.

7. High Density

The density is close to 100% without micro-cracks.

8. Good Mechanical Properties

Mechanical properties equal or exceed those forging parts of the same materials.

Materials Suitable for Metal 3D Printing

Materials suitable for Metal 3D Printing are 18Ni300, 420, CX.

Materials Suitable for Metal 3D Printing

Why Is SLM Technology a TREND in Mold Industry?

SLM Technology can solve below pain points of mold industry.

1. Mold production efficiency issue

The mold opening cycle is long, especially the mold development in the research and development trial production stage, which seriously affects the research and development cycle, product mass production and market progress.

2. Production efficiency and quality issue

The mold using the traditional processing has no cooling system or simple cooling system, leading to low cooling efficiency, poor cooling uniformity, which can not achieve accurate control of the mold temperature field. As a result, product production cycle is long and there are some problems that are easy to occur, such as product deformation. During mold production, trapped gas is easy to occur in the local position of mold cavity, which will lead to defects in this part of the product.

3. Labor issue

Traditional mold processing process relies on manpower. Since the manufacturing industry is less attractive to workers, it's facing more and more serious manpower gap. It is necessary to upgrade technology to reduce the dependence of the processing chain on manpower.

4. Environmental protection issue

In the production and processing of traditional mold raw materials, there are large material, resource consumption and the carbon emissions, which are not in line with the environmental trend of energy saving and carbon reduction.

Industrial Revolution: Metal 3D Printing for Conformal Cooling Channel Molds

The cooling of plastic products during injection molding mainly depends on the mold cooling channel. Since the traditional cooling channel is machined by CNC machines, the channel can only be cylindrical straight holes, which can not be completely close to the surface of the injection parts, leading to low cooling efficiency. As a result, the molding cycle is long and product deformation issue happens a lot. The cooling channel printed by 3D printing technology can be of any shape and any section. With this metal 3D printing technology, channel can be evenly arranged according to the mold shape, which greatly improves the cooling efficiency and shortens the cooling cycle.

Compared with the traditional cooling method, Conformal Cooling Channel has advantages as below:

1. Improve cooling efficiency: The shape of the channel can be arranged according to the shape of the product, so that the cooling liquid can more evenly contact the mold surface and the cooling time can be shortened.

2. Improve product quality: The channel design can better adapt to the shape of the product, so as to improve the quality and performance of the product, such as deformation, scorch and other defects.

3. Reduce costs: conformal cooling channel can greatly improve the production efficiency and yield of products, thereby reducing the overall manufacturing cost.

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